Previous papers
Lindgren, S. and Richardson, L. (2023). ”Endometriosis and epistemic community: Mapping discourses of pain in online discussions among sufferers”. Social Science & Medicine. []
Lindqvist, L. and Lindgren, S. (2022). “Mapping an Emerging Hashtag Ecosystem: Connective action and interpretive frames in the Swedish #MeToo movement”. Feminist Media Studies. []
Lindgren, S. and Åkerlund, M. (2022). “TAPS: Tweets Across the Political Spectrum 2016–2020”. SocArXiv. []
Lindgren, S. and Åkerlund, M. (2022). “The TAPS Dataset: Political Tweets 2016-2020”. Harvard Dataverse. []
Eriksson Krutrök, M. and Lindgren, S. (2022). “Social media amplification loops and false alarms: Towards a socio‑technical understanding of misinformation during emergencies”. The Communication Review. []
Lindberg, J, Kvist, E. and Lindgren, S. (2022). ”The Ongoing and Collective Character of Digital Care for Older People: Moving beyond Techno-Determinism in Government Policy”. Journal of Technology in Human Services. []
Lindgren, S. and Johansson, A. (2021). “Getting Better? Hegemonic, negotiated and oppositional uses of Instagram for mental health support”. Journal of Communication Inquiry. []
Lindgren, S. (2021). “Datadriven kunskapssociologi”, in Jarlbrink and Norén (eds.). Digitala metoder i humaniora och samhällsvetenskap. Studentlitteratur.
Merrill, S. and Lindgren, S. (2021). “Memes, brands and the politics of post‑terror togetherness: following the Manchester bee after the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing ”. Information, Communication Society. []
Lindgren, S. (2020). “Politiska maskiner – en analys av botar på Twitter”, in Bolin, Falasca, Grusell and Nord (eds.): Stjärnspäckat: Reflektioner från amerikanska presidentvalet 2020 av ledande forskare. DEMICOM.
Lindgren, S. and Holmström, J. (2020). “A Social Science Perspective on Artificial Intelligence: Building Blocks for a Research Agenda”. Journal of Digital Social Research. []
Lindgren, S. (2019). ”Hacking Social Science for the Age of Datafication”. Journal of Digital Social Research. []
Lindgren, S. (2019). ”Movement Mobilization in the Age of Hashtag Activism: Examining the Challenge of Noise, Hate, and Disengagement in the MeToo Campaign”. Policy & Internet. []
Lindgren, S. and Lundström, R. (2019). ”Tube therapy: Dealing with mental health problems in social video comment threads”. First Monday. []
Eriksson Krutrök. M. and Lindgren, S. (2018). ”Continued contexts of terror: Analysing temporal patterns of hashtag co‑occurrence as discursive articulations”. Social Media + Society. []
Merrill, S. and Lindgren, S. (2018). ”The rhythms of social movement memories: The mobilization of Silvio Meier’s activist remembrance across platforms”. Social Movement Studies. []
Lindgren, S. (2018). ”The concept of ‘Data’ in Digital Research”, in Flick (ed.): The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Collection. Sage.
Enarsson, T. and Lindgren, S. (2018). ”Free speech or hate speech? A legal analysis of the discourse about Roma on Twitter”. Information & Communications Technology Law. []
Lindgren, S. (2018). ”A ghost in the machine. Tracing the role of ’the digital’ in discursive processes of cybervictimisation”. Discourse & Communication. []
Sjöberg, M. and Lindgren, S. (2017). ”Challenging the roles of ‘skilled’ professionals and ‘risky’ young mothers. Peer‑support, expertise and relational patterns in Facebook groups”. Journal of Technology in Human Services. []
Richardson, R. and Lindgren, S. (2017). ”Online Tribes and Digital Authority. What can Social Theory bring to Digital Archaeology?”. Open Archaeology. [‑2017‑0008]
Örestig, J. and Lindgren, S. (2017). ”Local Moral Economies: The Space, Place and Locality of Social Media Mobilization”. Globalizations. []
Lindgren, S. and Cocq, C. (2016). ”Turning the Inside Out: Social Media and the Broadcasting of Indigenous Discourse”. European Journal of Communication. []
Dahlberg Grundberg, M., Lundström, R. and Lindgren, S. (2016). ”Social Media and the Transnationalization of Mass Activism: Twitter and the Labour Movement”. First Monday. []
Lindgren, S. (2016). ”Introducing Connected Concept Analysis: A network approach to big text datasets”. Text & Talk: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language, Discourse Communication Studies. [‑2016‑0016]
Kania‑Lundholm, M. and Lindgren, S. (2015). ”Patriotism Beyond the Nation State: Polish National Identity and Cultural Intimacy Online”. National Identities. []
Lindgren, S. (2015). ”The Work of Audiences in the Age of Clicktivism: On the Ins and Outs of Distributed Participation”. Media Fields Journal. [‑111928]
Lindgren, S. (2015). ”Disruptiva platser. Teknopolitik, ordning och störningar”, in Carlsson, Nilsson and Lindgren, S. (eds.): Digital politik: Sociala medier, deltagande och engagemang. Daidalos.
Lindgren, S. (2015). ”Sociala medier och det politiska”, in Carlsson, Nilsson and Lindgren, S. (eds.): Digital politik: Sociala medier, deltagande och engagemang. Daidalos.
Dahlberg Grundberg, M. and Lindgren, S. (2015). ”Translocal Frame Extensions in a Networked Protest: Situating the IdleNoMore hashtag”. IC Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación. [‑100665]
Heemsbergen, L. and Lindgren, S. (2014). ”The power of precision air strikes and social media feeds in the 2012 Israel–Hamas conflict: ‘targeting transparency’”. Australian Journal of International Affairs. []
Lindgren, S. (2014). ”Crowdsourcing Knowledge: Interdiscursive flows from Wikipedia into scholarly research”. Culture Unbound. []
Ferrada Stoehrel, R. and Lindgren, S. (2014). ”For the Lulz: Anonymous, Aesthetics and Affect”. tripleC. []
Lindgren, S. (2014). ”Giving Online Support: Individual and Social Processes in a Domestic Violence Forum”. International Journal of Web Based Communities. []
Lindgren, S. and Markham, A. (2014). ”From Object to Flow: Network Sensibility, Symbolic Interactionism, and Social Media”, in Johns, Chen and Terlip (eds.): Hybrid Media Culture: Sensing Place in a World of Flows (Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Volume 43). Emerald Group Publishing.
Lindgren, S. (2014). ”Aktiviteter och organisering bland unga på internet”, in MUCF: FOKUS 14: Ungas fritid och organisering. Stockholm: MUCF.
Lindgren, S., Dahlberg-Grundberg, M. and Johansson, A. (2014). ”Hybrid media culture: An introduction”, in Lindgren, S. (ed.): Hybrid Media Culture: Sensing Place in a World of Flows. Routledge.
Lindgren, S. (2014). ”The hybrid discourse of digital piracy”, in Lindgren, S. (ed.): Hybrid Media Culture: Sensing Place in a World of Flows. Routledge.
Lindgren, S. (2014). ”Towards a heterotopology: unlayering the reality of hybrid media culture”, in Lindgren, S. (ed.): Hybrid Media Culture: Sensing Place in a World of Flows. Routledge.
Lindgren, S. (2013). ”Sub*culture: Exploring the dynamics of a networked public”. Transformative Works and Cultures. []
Lindgren, S. (2013). “The Potential and Limitations of Twitter Activism: Mapping the 2011 Libyan Uprising”. tripleC. []
Lindgren, S. (2013). “Pirate Panics: Comparing news and blog discourse on illegal filesharing in Sweden”. Information, Communication and Society. []
Lindgren, S. (2012). “‘It took me about half an hour, but I did it!’: Media circuits and affinity spaces around how-to videos on YouTube”. European Journal of Communication. []
Lindgren, S. (2012). “Collective Coping through Networked Narratives: YouTube Responses to the Virginia Tech Shooting”. In Muschert and Sumiala (eds.) School Shootings: Mediatized Violence in a Global Age (Studies in Media and Communications, Volume 7), Emerald Group Publishing.
Lindgren, S. and Linde, J. (2012). “The Subpolitics of Online Piracy: A Swedish Case Study”. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. []
Lindgren, S., Enbom, J. and Engström, K. (2012). “Ett nytt medielandskap”. In Lindgren, S. (ed.) Nya medier och kommunikation: Makt och meningsskapande i den digitala tidsåldern. Gleerups.
Lindgren, S. (2012). “Mediepåverkan och mobilisering”. In Lindgren, S. (ed.) Nya medier och kommunikation: Makt och meningsskapande i den digitala tidsåldern. Gleerups.
Lindgren, S. (2012). “Nya medier och kommunikation. In Lindgren, S. (ed.) Nya medier och kommunikation: Makt och meningsskapande i den digitala tidsåldern. Gleerups.
Lindgren, S. (2012). “The Sociology of Media and Communication Technologies”. In Aakvaag, Hviid Jacobsen and Johansson (eds.) Introduction to Sociology: Scandinavian Sensibilities. Pearson.
Lindgren, S. (2011). “Textanalys”. In Fangen and Sellerberg (eds.) Många möjliga metoder. Studentlitteratur.
Lindgren, S. (2011). “Collective problem-solving and informal learning in networked publics. Reading vlogging networks on YouTube as knowledge communities”. In Dunkels, Frånberg and Hällgren (eds.) Interactive Media Use and Youth: Learning, Knowledge Exchange and Behavior. IGI Global.
Hendrick, S. and Lindgren, S. (2011). “YouTube as a performative arena. How Swedish youth are negotiating space, community membership, and gender identities through the art of parkour”. In Dunkels, Frånberg and Hällgren (eds.) Youth Culture and Net Culture: Online Social Practices. IGI Global.
Lindgren, S. (2011).“CouchSurfing”. In Barnett (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Networks. Sage.
Lindgren, S. (2011).“LinkedIn”. In Barnett (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Networks. Sage.
Lindgren, S. (2011).“Local Political Activism Communities”. In Barnett (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Networks. Sage.
Lindgren, S. (2011).“Network Visualization”. In Barnett (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Networks. Sage.
Lindgren, S. (2011).“Open-Source Networks”. In Barnett (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Networks. Sage.
Lindgren, S. (2011).“Sweden”. In Barnett (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Networks. Sage.
Lindgren, S. (2011). “Tekstanalyse”. In Fangen & Sellerberg (eds.) Mange ulike metoder .Gyldendal.
Lindgren, S. and Lundström, R. (2011). “Pirate Culture and Hacktivist Mobilization”. New Media and Society, 13(6), pp. 999-1018. []
Lindgren, S. (2011). “Geek revenue: The cultural industries in the age of digital piracy”. Audiovisual Thinking, 2011(3) [video essay].
Lindgren, S. (2011). “A copy, of a copy, of a copy? Exploring masculinity under transformation in Fight Club”. Scope, 2011(19). []
Lindgren, S. (2011). “YouTube Gunmen? Mapping participatory media discourse on school shooting videos”. Media Culture & Society, 33(1), pp. 123-136. []
Lindgren, S. and Lundström, R. (2010). “Inside victims and outside offenders: dislocations and interventions in the discourse of rape”. Social Semiotics, 20(3), pp 309-324. []
Lindgren, S. (2010). “At the nexus of destruction and creation: Pirate and anti-pirate discourse in Swedish online media”. In Uğur Dai et al. (eds.), New Media and Interactivity [NMIC2010 Proceedings] (pp. 229-236). Marmara University.
Lindgren, S. (2010). “Widening the glory hole: the discourse of online porn fandom”. In F. Attwood (ed.), Making sense of online pornography (pp. 171-185). Peter Lang.
Lindgren, S. and Lélièvre, M. (2009). “In the laboratory of masculinity: Renegotiating gender subjectivities in MTV’s Jackass”. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 26(5), pp 393-410. []
Lindgren, S. (2009). “Representing Otherness in Youth Crime Discourse: Youth Robberies and Racism in the Swedish Press 1998 – 2002”. Critical Discourse Studies, 6(1), pp 65-77. []
Lindgren, S. and Lundström, R. (2009). “Discursive networks: Visualising media representations of crime victims”. In J. Lim (ed.), Computer-Aided Qualitative Research 2009 [CAQR2009 Proceedings] (pp. 68-85). Merlien Institute.
Lindgren, S. (2009). “Prolog”. In Lindgren (ed.), Ungdomskulturer (pp. 7-8). Gleerups.
Lindgren, S. (2009). “Dagens ungdom?”. In Lindgren (ed.), Ungdomskulturer (pp. 9-27). Gleerups.
Lindgren, S. (2009). “Unga fildelningskulturer”. In Lindgren (ed.), Ungdomskulturer (pp. 118-131). Gleerups.
Sandgren and Lindgren, S. (2009). “Unga deltagarkulturer”. In Lindgren (ed.), Ungdomskulturer (pp. 145-159). Gleerups.
Lindgren, S. (2008). “Theorizing continuity and change in the discourse of male violence: A case study of ‘marital disagreements’ in 19th century Sweden”. Anthropological Notebooks, 14(3), pp 5-23.
Lindgren, S. (2008). “Crime, Media, Coding: Developing a methodological framework for computer-aided analysis”. Crime, Media, Culture, 4(1), pp 95-100.
Lindgren, S. (2008). “Kriminalitet, kultur, kontroll: Om förändring och kontinuitet i mediebilden av ungdomsrån”. Nordic Journal of Social Work [Nordisk Sosialt Arbeid], 1(28), pp 2-14.
Lindgren, S. (2007). “From Flâneur to Web Surfer: Videoblogging, Photo Sharing and Walter Benjamin @ the Web 2.0”. Transformations, 7(15).
Lindgren, S. (2007). “Mellan moralpanik och teknikromantik”. In Lindgren and Sandgren (eds.), Unga och nätverkskulturer: Mellan moralpanik och teknikromantik (pp. 6-13). Fritzes.
Linde, J. and Lindgren, S. (2007). “Sharing is caring: Fildelningskultur, subpolitik och nya sociala rörelser”. In Lindgren and T. Sandgren (eds.), Unga och nätverkskulturer: Mellan moralpanik och teknikromantik (pp. 114-129). Fritzes.
Lindgren, S. (2006). “Mosh Pits Outside the Oval Office: Mapping sign functions in a music video with a political message”. Applied Semiotics/Sémiotique Appliquée, 8(18), pp 54-65.
Lindgren, S. (2006). “‘Ungdomsrån’ – uppkomsten av ett begrepp”. Sociologisk forskning, 43(2), pp 63-95.
Lindgren, S. (2001). “Våld mot huvudet: Om kriminaljournalistikens text och kontext”. RIG, 84(3), pp 129-140.
Lindgren, S. (2001). “‘…min Djefvulska tanke’: Psykisk status och social struktur”. In Drugge and Lindgren, Med dödlig utgång: Om grova våldsbrott och sociala former i 1800-talets Sverige (pp. 81-108). Umeå Studies in Sociology.
Lindgren, S. (2001). “Ungdomar och normativa strukturer”. In Drugge and Lindgren, Med dödlig utgång: Om grova våldsbrott och sociala former i 1800-talets Sverige (pp. 185-250). Umeå Studies in Sociology.
Lindgren, S. (2001). “‘…till större delen sammanrafsadt pack’ – om dödligt våld i arbetslag”. In Drugge and Lindgren, Med dödlig utgång: Om grova våldsbrott och sociala former i 1800-talets Sverige (pp. 251-274). Umeå Studies in Sociology.
Lindgren, S. (1999). “Hollywood i Haparanda. Om amerikaniserad ungdomskultur i det perifera Norrbotten på 1950-talet”. In Ambjörnsson et al. (eds.), En globaliserad värld (pp. 81-94). Folkuniversitetet/Idéhistoriska skrifter.